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Ginger Apple Slices

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Ginger mixed with apples is a very old-fashioned way to preserve your apples. The original recipe came out of my 1963 cookbook. I love using this cookbook for ideas that are different from what we generally tend to can. Ginger Apple Slices are a variation of canned apples I am willing to eat plain or on pork. Honestly, any kind of apple goes well with pork. These apple slices make a lovely flavor combination that becomes almost candied and has that signature ginger taste to them. If you like ginger, you will love these apples.

6 Half-Pints of Ginger Apple Slices

Ginger Apple Slices

This recipe makes 6 half-pints of Ginger Apple Slices


  • 8 apples

  • 4 cups sugar

  • 2 1/2 cups water

  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger root (grated)

How to Can Ginger Apple Slices

The following directions will make 6 half pints of Ginger Apple Slices.

Prepare your apples and ginger to make Ginger Apple Slices.

prepare apples and ginger

  • Peel, core, and slice 8 apples.

  • Grate 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger root

  • Combine sugar and water and boil for 3 minutes.

  • Add apples and ginger. Cook until the apples are transparent.

Bottling ginger apple slices to process in the canner.

fill jars

A beautiful display of canned apples.

processing complete

  • Once your apples have completed the appropriate time in the boiling water bath canner, turn off the heat and allow them to cool for 5 minutes. Then, take them out and sit them on the counter for 12-24 hours to cool and completely seal.

  • After they have sealed well, remove the rings and wash the threads and outside of the jars.

  • If your jar of Apples did not seal, place them in the fridge and use them immediately. Store the sealed jars in your cool, dry pantry to enjoy for the next 1-3 years. After three years the nutritional value of canned food diminishes.

If you have any questions about canning with the boiling water canner or how to adjust the pressure or processing time for altitude, take a look at our canning basics videos.

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