It’s the end of the summer, you have canned all of your bulk items, but you have a few remaining items straggling out of the garden. What do you do with them? GARDEN RELISH is the perfect condiment to make. Then, come family cookouts and fall football games you can break out this tangy relish and dollop it on burgers and hot dogs. It’s a perfect way to use up your garden produce. I love GARDEN RELISH at picnics and potlucks.

Garden Relish
This recipe makes approximately 6 pints of Relish.
8 cups tomatoes
2 3/4 cups sugar
2 tart apples
2 green peppers
2 red peppers
1 onion
1 cup celery
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
2 tablespoons mustard seed
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
Prepare Ingredients and Cook:

prepare fruits and vegetables
Core the tomatoes (if needed), apples, and peppers. Process all the fruits and vegetables through the food processor. Be sure not to do it for too long or it will become too liquid. You want nice relish-sized chunks.

add ingredients
Combine all the ingredients in a large pot and cook at a simmer for 2 hours.
Canning Garden Relish:

fill jars
Using a jar funnel, fill hot pint jars leaving 1/2-inch of headspace.
Place the lid on top of the jar and add the ring. Tighten the ring to fingertip tight and process in a boiling water bath canner for 15 minutes if at sea level.
Remember to adjust your processing time if you are above 1000 feet in elevation.

processing complete
Once your relish has completed processing, space the jars about an inch apart on a cloth on the counter for 24 hours to cool and completely seal.
If your jar does not seal, then place it in the fridge and use it immediately. Store the sealed jars in your pantry to enjoy for the next 1-3 years. After three years the nutritional value of canned food diminishes. The quality is best in the first year.
If you have any questions about canning with a pressure canner or how to adjust the pressure or processing time for altitude, take a look at our canning basics videos.
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