When I decided to remodel my bathroom the new color scheme determined that I needed lighter colored frames. I knew the rustic look I was going for in the bathroom. The frames in my bathroom no longer matched my new design plans. I was determined to redo the frames but I needed to try the new painting technique before using it (and accidentally messing up) on my picture frame and mirror. I had an old frame that had hardware cloth attached to it which I have been using in the garden for sifting. I thought this frame would be perfect as a tester since it was originally a light wood color that had been painted a dark brown. I used my light sage paint and then after it dried I sanded some of it down. It looked so good, that I decided to use the technique on my mirror and frame, but I wanted to find a way to use this in my decor as well.

I have seen cute succulent planter boxes at the store and I thought this frame with the hardware cloth attached would work very well for this fantastic diy idea. Let’s take a closer look at how you can recreate this project from the beginning.
Step 1: Using a staple gun attach 1/2 inch hardware cloth to the backside of an empty frame (remove the glass).

Step 2: Cut a piece of wood slightly smaller than the frame for the backing and 4 pieces of 1×2 inch wood for forming the box depth (match the sides and top/bottom sizes of the backing).
Step 3: Nail the 1×2 depth pieces to each other forming a rectangle the same size as the frame then attach it to the frame being careful not to puncture through the frame front. Then, nail the back piece to the depth pieces. I added wood glue to help strengthen the piece. Optional: Add picture hanging hardware to the back.

Step 4: Paint all the wood a dark color. (Brown in my case.) Allow the paint to dry. Paint all the wood a thin coat of light color (light sage) and allow it to dry.

Step 5: Sand lightly on all surfaces, paying particular attention to all curves, corners, and any detail work.

Step 6: Fill the box with potting soil and tuck in the roots of the hens and chickens. Place them close enough together to fill the box but far enough apart to allow growth. (I used the back of a paintbrush to help me tuck them in.) Water generously this first time for help with the transition.

Once the roots have become established you could hang the planter on the wall. I have mine on the counter currently, but I like that I have the option of hanging it later.

I love how this turned out. It adds so much texture and life to the bathroom that it really finishes out the remodel.

If you have any questions or other ideas, just let us know.