Learn how to crochet the slip stitch. The slip stitch (abbreviated ss) is a common crochet stitch. This stitch is very short but does a great job finishing off the edges of a piece. I use this on the edges of small washcloths, wings, or even just to add a splash of contrasting color.
Below are the directions for a small sample project.
With your yarn make a chain of 11 chain stitches (ch 11). The first 10 chain stitches make your foundation chain; the last 1 is your turning chain.
Starting in the second chain from the  hook: 10sc, ch, turn
Starting in last sc: 10sc, ch, turn
Repeat step three 3 more times.
Starting in last sc: 10 slip stitch by placing your hook through the stitch, yarn over, and draw through both the stitch and the loop on the hook.
FASTENING OFF: After the last stitch, use scissors to cut the yarn, leaving a 6-inch end. Draw the hook straight through pulling the cut yarn end completely through the stitch. Pull the 6-inch end to close.
Learn how to create the double crochet by clicking this link: https://wisdompreserved.life/how-to-crochet-double-crochet/
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