One tool in the Mittleider Gardening Course book is a leveling device. At first, I thought this was somewhat unnecessary but the more I read the more I had to concede that it could prove to be a handy tool in my garden. The primary goal of the leveling device in the garden is to keep the garden as level as possible. This is true whether you are working with soil beds or raised beds. The reason this is important is that the fertilizer is dissolved and dispersed by water. Water flows downhill. So, if you have a garden bed on a slope you can assume that the lower plants are getting more of the nutrients. Having a level garden helps disperse the nutrients evenly.
Mittleider Leveling Device Supplies
2 inch x 3 inch x 8 foot straight board
1 inch x 1 1/2 inch x 3 inch wood block
RV level
Measuring Tape
Miter Saw
exterior paint
1/2-inch and 2-inch exterior screws
Directions to Make a Mittleider Leveling Device
Begin making the leveling device by painting the long board and blocks with exterior paint.

Then, mark the center of your long board and attach the RV level to the center with the 1/2-inch screws.

Next, screw on the blocks about 1 inch away from the level on each side with the 2-inch screws. If you drill pilot holes it is less likely to split the wood. These blocks are just for the protection of the level from anything hitting it.
This is not a difficult project. I will be using it extensively as I set up my garden this year.
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